Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki

Wiki Username: Balkoraz (French Wiki)
Habitica Name: Balkoraz
UID: f64d470a-e05e-4606-8141-4cfa844f0ceb

Major Contributions[]

(For major contributions, please provide a link to the wiki page, followed by the details of your contribution to that page within the following table:)

Wiki Page Link Contribution

Group Plans -> Offres de groupe

Fully translated (from "Utilisation")

Corporate Plans -> Offres pour les entreprise

Added page and image

Other Contributions[]

(You can detail other general/minor contributions here:)

  • Some grammatical correction

Admin Response[]

Tier 1 awarded, 40 Wikia points, and 110 Wikia points on http://fr.habitica.wikia.com/, 2017-09-17.
