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The Keep: Index > The Armory > The Razzle Dazzlers


Background grand staircase

We are the Razzle Dazzlers, an active group of Habiticans dedicated to slaying monsters, hatching pets, and meeting our real life goals! The group was formed by the Druid in early 2016, and our group name was suggested by members Hydrone and Glory Warrior (former members). 

Group Guidelines

To be considered an active member, be sure to follow the guidelines below. Inactive members will be get a friendly reminder message. If inactivity persists then then members may be removed, and no one wants that!

  1. Log on regularly. Every day is ideal, but not required. If you're going to be away for a few days, it's best to check into the inn. If you'll be away for a week or more, let the Druid know.
  2. Post at least twice weekly. Let us know how you're doing on Habitica, encourage your fellow party members, or just stop by to say chat. Not sure what to talk about? Check out the weekly discussion questions posted by the Druid. 
  3. Buff the party at least once a week. Obviously this only applies to those members who are level 11+. Ideally you should be buffing the party a lot more often, but once per week is the minimum.

Current Members

Below is a list of our current members and their classes. Members are listed in the order that they joined the party.

Member Name Class Level
The Druid Healer 42
PeregrineAce Rogue 234
Joe Mage 141
Mike S. Warrior 182
Kuschelelfe Rogue 107
Louis Warrior 108
herlambang haryo Mage 112
SiKind Mage 37


Npc ian

We are almost always running a quest. If there's not one going on, feel free to start one! If a quest is currently running and you want to start the next one, just let the Druid know and we'll try to accommodate you. :) 

Questing Guidelines[]

When fighting we're on a boss quest, unfinished dailies damage everyone. For that reason, there are a few guidelines in place to try to prevent the party from taking too much damage.

  1. Check your data. That way you can easily see how much damage you're doing to the boss, and how much damage you're doing to the party.
  2. Accept quests within 24 hours. Individual quest owners may start quests a bit sooner or later than this, but it's a general guideline. If you take too long to accept the quest, we may start without you.
  3. Quest owners, allow at LEAST 12 hours for members to respond to quest invites. 24 is preferred, but 12 is the absolute minimum. Keep in mind that people may be busy and not able to respond right away, and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to join the quests. 
  4. If you're going to be away, check into the inn. That way you won't do damage to yourself or the party.
  5. Be mindful of how much damage you will be doing to the party. You can use the Data Display Tool to view how much damage your missed dailies will deal to the party at your CRON. Some damage is nothing to worry about. No one's perfect! However, party members who lead to the party being killed repeatedly will be removed.
  6. Use your class skills to help the party. This is another place where checking your data is useful. Go to your data, and then click on "Skills and Buffs" to see detailed explanations of what each of your skills does, how to maximize their power, and the best tasks to use them on.

Completed Quests[]

Quest Icon Quest Name Times Completed
Inventory quest scroll basilist
The Basi-List x4
Inventory quest scroll atom1
Attack of the Mundane, Part 1: Dish Disaster! x7
Inventory quest scroll atom2
Attack of the Mundane, Part 2: The SnackLess Monster x5
Inventory quest scroll atom3
Attack of the Mundane, Part 3: The Laundromancer x5
Inventory quest scroll dilatoryDistress1
Dilatory Distress, Part 1: Message in a Bottle x5
Inventory quest scroll dilatoryDistress2
Dilatory Distress, Part 2: Creatures of the Crevasse x3
Inventory quest scroll dilatoryDistress3
Dilatory Distress, Part 3: Not a Mere Maid x5
Inventory quest scroll horse
Ride the Night-Mare x7
Inventory quest scroll vice1
Vice, Part 1: Free Yourself of the Dragon's Influence x9
Inventory quest scroll vice2
Vice, Part 2: Find the Lair of the Wrym x7
Inventory quest scroll vice3
Vice, Part 3: Vice Awakens x7
Inventory quest scroll egg
Egg Hunt x8
Inventory quest scroll trex undead
The Dinosaur Unearthed x5
Inventory quest scroll trex
King of the Dinosaurs x2
Inventory quest scroll harpy
Help! Harpy! x8
Inventory quest scroll slime
The Jelly Regent x7
Inventory quest scroll kraken
The Kraken of Inkomplete x6
Inventory quest scroll goldenknight1
The Golden Knight, Part 1: A Stern Talking To x11
Inventory quest scroll goldenknight2
The Golden Knight, Part 2: Gold Knight x4
Inventory quest scroll goldenknight3
The Golden Knight, Part 3: The Iron Knight x4
Inventory quest scroll falcon
The Birds of Precrastination x6
Inventory quest scroll axolotl
The Magical Axolotl x5
Inventory quest scroll moonstone1
Recidivate, Part 1: The Moonstone Chain x16
Inventory quest scroll moonstone2
Recidivate, Part 2: Recidivate the Necromancer x6
Inventory quest scroll moonstone3
Recidivate, Part 3: Recidivate Transformed x5
Inventory quest scroll ghost stag
The Spirit of Spring x6
Inventory quest scroll turtle
Guide the Turtle x8
Inventory quest scroll gryphon
The Fiery Gryphon x8
Inventory quest scroll hedgehog
The Hedgebeast x5
Inventory quest scroll monkey
Monstrous Mandrill and the Mischief Monkeys x4
Inventory quest scroll penguin
The Fowl Frost x5
Inventory quest scroll rat
The Rat King x6
Inventory quest scroll sabretooth
The Sabre Cat x7
Inventory quest scroll snail
The Snail of Drudgery Sludge x6
Inventory quest scroll spider
The Icy Arachnid x8
Inventory quest scroll whale
The Wail of the Whale x8
Inventory quest scroll armadillo
The Indulgent Armadillo x6
Inventory quest scroll bunny
The Killer Bunny x6
Inventory quest scroll cheetah
Such a Cheetah x5
Inventory quest scroll cow
The Mootant Cow x5
Inventory quest scroll frog
Swamp of the Clutter Frog x6
Inventory quest scroll octopus
Call of Octothulu x6
Inventory quest scroll owl
The Night Owl x7
Inventory quest scroll rock
Escape the Cave Creature x5
Inventory quest scroll snake
The Serpent of Distraction x7
Inventory quest scroll unicorn
Convincing the Unicorn Queen x
Inventory quest scroll beetle
Inventory quest scroll treeling
The Tangle Tree x7
Inventory quest scroll ferret
The Nefarious Ferret x6
Inventory quest scroll dilatory derby
The Dilatory Derby x5
Inventory quest scroll dustbunnies
The Feral Dust Bunnies x9
Inventory quest scroll evilsanta
Trapper Santa x4
Inventory quest scroll evilsanta2
Find the Cub x13
Inventory quest scroll moon1
Lunar Battle, Part 1: Find the Mysterious Shards x6
Inventory quest scroll moon2
Lunar Battle, Part 2: Stop the Overshadowing Stress x7
Inventory quest scroll moon3
Lunar Battle, Part 3: The Monstrous Moon x5
Inventory quest scroll stoikalmCalamity1
Stoikalm Calamity, Part 1: Earthen Enemies x4
Inventory quest scroll stoikalmCalamity2
Stoikalm Calamity, Part 2: Seek the Icicle Drake Caverns x5
Inventory quest scroll stoikalmCalamity3
Stoikalm Calamity, Part 3: Icicle Drake Queen x3
Inventory quest scroll taskwoodsTerror1
Terror in the Taskwoods, Part 1: Blaze in the Taskwoods x4
Inventory quest scroll taskwoodsTerror2
Terror in the Taskwoods, Part 2: Finding the Flourishing Faeries x4
Inventory quest scroll taskwoodsTerror3
Terror in the Taskwoods, Part 3: Jacko the Lantern x4
Inventory quest scroll rooster
Rooster Rampage x5
Inventory quest scroll guineapig
The Guinea Pig Gang x8
Inventory quest scroll triceratops
The Trampling Triceratops x10
Inventory quest scroll sheep
The Thunder Ram x4
Inventory quest scroll peacock
The Push and Pull Peacock x5
Inventory quest scroll butterfly
Bye, Bye, Butterfry x5
Inventory quest scroll yarn
A Tangled Yarn x7
Inventory quest scroll lostMasterclasser1
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 1: Read Between the Lines x4
Inventory quest scroll lostMasterclasser2
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 2: Assembling the a'Voidant x4
Inventory quest scroll lostMasterclasser3
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 3: City in the Sands x3
Inventory quest scroll lostMasterclasser4
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 4: The Lost Masterclasser x2
Inventory quest scroll pterodactyl
The Pterror-dactyl x7
Inventory quest scroll squirrel
The Sneak Squirrel x5
Inventory quest scroll sloth
The Somnolent Sloth x4
Inventory quest scroll hippo
What a Hippo-Crite x5
Inventory quest scroll nudibranch
Infestation of the NowDo Nudibranches x5
Inventory quest scroll badger
Stop Badgering Me! x5
Inventory quest scroll mayhemMistiflying1
Mayhem in Mistiflying, Part 1: In Which Mistiflying Experiences a Dreadful Bother x4
Inventory quest scroll mayhemMistiflying2
Mayhem in Mistiflying, Part 2: In Which the Wind Worses x4
Inventory quest scroll mayhemMistiflying3
Mayhem in Mistiflying, Part 3: In Which a Mailman is Extremely Rude x4
Inventory quest scroll seaserpent
Danger in the Depths: Sea Serpent Strike! x8
Inventory quest scroll kangaroo
Kangaroo Catastrophe! x6
Inventory quest scroll alligator
The Insta-Gator x5
Inventory quest scroll velociraptor
The Veloci-Rapper x6
Inventory quest scroll bronze
Brazen Beetle Battle x7
Inventory quest scroll dolphin
The Dolphin of Doubt x5
Inventory quest scroll robot
Mysterious Mechanical Marvels! x5
Inventory quest scroll silver
The Silver Solution x6
Inventory quest scroll amber
The Amber Alliance x6
Inventory quest scroll ruby
Ruby Rapport x6
Inventory quest scroll waffle
Waffling with the Fool: Disaster Breakfast! x5
Inventory quest scroll fluorite
A Bright Fluorite Fright x6
Inventory quest scroll windup
A Whirl with a Wind-up Warrior x4
Inventory quest scroll turquoise
Turquoise Treasure Toil x5
Inventory quest scroll blackPearl
A Startling Starry Idea x7
Inventory quest scroll stone
A Maze of Moss x4
Inventory quest scroll solarSystem
A Voyage of Cosmic Concentration x4
Inventory quest scroll onyx
The Onyx Odyssey x2
Inventory quest scroll virtualPet
Virtual Mayhem with the April Fool: The Beepening x2
Inventory quest scroll pinkMarble
Calm the Corrupted Cupid x3

Hall of Fame[]

Below are listed all player members in order of the most damage done to a boss, and the most items collected. The idea is to encourage a little bit of friendly competition. :) Don't feel bad if you're not in the top, though. Some people have more dailies and to-dos than others, and that's okay! Whether you do 1 damage or 100, you can still help out by buffing the party and being active in the chat. (Since this is a new feature, only damage done/items found after 3/7/16 are recorded here.)

Best Boss Hits[]

Ranking Member Name Damage Done Boss Attacked
1 Joe 1465.3 Anti'Zinnya
2 Mike S. 875.6 Fluorite Elemental
3 PeregrineAce 754.2 Serpent of Distraction
4 The Druid 347.1 Ghost Stag
5 Louis 314.8 CRITICAL BUG
6 Kuschelelfe 310.2 Ghost Stag
7 herlambang haryo 112.4 Cupido
8 SiKind 73.0 Icicle Drake Queen
9 42.8|The Night-Owl|- 10 rubywings 35.2 Dolphin of Doubt
11 50.5|Dolphin of Doubt|- viegas32|26.1 Ghost Stag

Most Items Collected In a Day[]

Rank Member Name Number of Items
1 The Druid 73
2 Mike S. 55
3 Joe 18
4 SiKind 16
5 PeregrineAce 15
6 Louis 11
7 Kuschelelfe 7
8 herlambang haryo 5

Former Members[]

Members are listed in order of oldest to most recent. Question marks denote members for whom there are no known high score, because they were in the party before there were leader boards.

Member Name Class Best Boss Hit Most Items Collected
GloryWarrior Rogue ? ?
lordben Warrior ?


Cidthulu ? ? ?
thegreatrosegrey Warrior ? ?
Puppet of Fate Mage ? ?
Hydrone Rogue 73.5 8
Rallen_Hathorn Rogue 60.4 10
Eljakim Healer 38.8 7
EG Mage 18.6 4
lohnnt Mage 221.3 8
Mwinflow Mage 850.1 35
princesstegana Rogue 13.8 6
wings2 Mage 364.4 42
Gianna Teresa Warrior 105.9 4
Ariel Skye Mage 88.6 5
Sync Warrior 731.1 15
MrZippy Mage 138.6 7
AngelaN Rogue 236 31
Flyingsmiley Mage 548.2 21
LittleLuckyLucy Rogue 49.3 16
clvanch Mage 214.8 10
Eudaimonia Healer ? ?
ThatMouse Rogue 7.3 19
Ἔρις Rogue 26.4 0
Shayna the Bird Whisperer Rogue 124.0 0
Mighty Miel ? 43.3 0
mattcen Healer 39.0 2
DavosSeaworth Healer 96.8 8
Jaceroo Mage 574.2 ?
DeathSpi ? 225 19
Airnan Rogue 409.6 5
The Dreamling Healer Healer 20.4 7
angie9091 Mage 55.2 3
connectopus Rogue 293.7 81
badwolf Warrior 368.7 14
Lucas Aquino de Assis Warrior
Jenna Healer 23.5
ladysherlockian Healer 62.5 2
habdevpro Healer 43.4 11
Numox Healer 21.3 5
Lucy Filmore Rogue 20.8
MagicMythMayhem Mage 183.4 36
PeaNuT_BuTTer_ Rogue 305.9 22
Soncos313Soncos Rogue 23.2
devtai Healer 131.6 11
Stella Mage 389.5 18
bantonym Warrior 236.7 8
Jokey Schmoe Mage 19.6 0
OtherGuy Mage 36.7 5
Winker227 Rogue 42.4 15
THE KERRIGAN Mage 79.9 3
sweetsapling Rogue 42.9 8
OrangeTF Warrior 602.3 16
Amayai, the e̴l̸d̷r̷i̷t̵c̵h̶ Warrior 275.4 4
The Wayward Warrior Healer 1,000 49
Mmmeg Rogue 30.6 27
Tulog Healer 73.7 14
ColourfulWhite Rogue 18.6 1


Currently the Druid usually runs a monthly challenge to encourage participation in the party. There is a one gem prize up for grabs, plus it's a good way to earn yourself some gold and experience for interacting with and supporting your fellow party members! :) Challenges include summer and winter reading challenges, regular "party challenges" with participation related tasks, occasional RPG themed challenges, and more.

Other party members are welcome to create challenges of their own, or to suggest ideas for future challenges.


We are not currently looking for new members. Keep an eye out for posts on the Party Wanted Board or PM The_Druid if you are interested in joining!
