Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki

Following my procrastination scheme, I often wait until an hour before midnight to complete my Habitica tasks. My Cron will roll over at midnight, so I am getting my "Late Night Rush". Or, as others would say:

Towards evening the lazy person begins to get busy.

At least half of my evening routine is a "just before bed" routine. I won't do it earlier, because I'll do it when I am going to bed. Some small tasks, to be done in around 5 minutes or so. They are no longer seperate Dailies; while I was spring cleaning my task list, I put them all together in one task as a Checklist.

But some tasks keep sneaking around and re-appear surprisingly at the end of the day. Ok, they are not invisible or something like that - it's just easier to lay on the couch after a full day of work instead of tidy up. So when it's time to go to bed, I will open my Habitica app to check off my tasks.

This is what happens (remember: I only want to go to bed!):

"Uh, I forgot to read at least 3 pages!" (I have some books near my bed, so this one can completed in bed, too) Ok, no problem. *scroll, scroll, scroll* "Oh no! I did laundry but forgot to hang it up!" So the next 10-15 minutes are busy homework (and 2 more floors for my fitness-tracker ^^).

Ok, next task. Today is Friday, so I have to water my plants. Down on the ground floor. The next 5 minutes are gone (and another floor for my fitness-tracker).

Back to my mobile phone, I find the next task: Look into the freezer! We have "Freezer-Meal-Day" every Saturday (or we won't ever get something out of our freezer), so down to the ground floor again. And if I don't find something for tomorrow, I have to go to the basement and look into the other freezer.

In the end it is half an hour later as I wanted to go to bed, I am exhausted, perhaps gasping - and then my fitness tracker buzzes to tell me that I reached my "floors climbed" goal (10 per day). I fall into my bed and click on the + of my "goal achieved" habit. *Check, check*, everything's completed now!

Oh no, I did not read my 3 pages...!

On most of the days I can finish all my tasks just in time some minutes before midnight. Just a little late night rushing to avoid boss damage for my party members :-D
